A career in construction

You work hard and want to get further? Take your future in your hands with a job that fits you. A world of possibilities awaits in the construction domain. Are you up to the challenge?

Born to build

For a career in construction, you have to want to make the best of yourself. Take a look at how Catherine, Vincent, Viet, and Sébastien have left their marks in this exciting sector.


Take the test now

It's time to leave your mark

Do you want to succeed, be free, and have a great life? Explore why a career in construction is a good fit for you.
Consult the guide to the trades

A job that's stimulating and pays well

Friendship and solidarity

Unique lifestyle

Lots of freedom

A sense of accomplishment

Stimulating opportunities

One of the most important economic
driving forces in Québec

Job prospects and
social benefits

One of the most important economic
driving forces in Québec

Job prospects and
social benefits

A trade that suits you

Are you a guidance counselor and would like more information?

Partners of the Commission de la construction du Québec

Employer associations
Union associations

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